Thursday 21 March 2019

Villains Marvel have just acquired from Fox.

1)     Doctor Doom
2)     Magneto
3)     Kang the Conqueror 
4)     Galactus 
5)     Juggernaut 
6)     Sabretooth 
7)     Apocalypse 
8)     Mystique (Done right)
9)     Super Skrull 
10)   Annihilus 

Heroes Marvel got from Fox

1)     Wolverine
2)     Professor X
3)     Deadpool
4)     The Thing
5)     Nightcrawler
6)     Silver Surfer  (Spoilers I guess.)
7)     Human Torch
8)     Beast
9)     Storm
10)   Mr Fantastic

I know but Invisible Woman was probably the next one on my list. I have to admit that I am more of a fan of the X-Men than the Fantastic Four.   
I am also doing a Top Ten Villains that Marvel have just acquired from Fox. :)  

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Most Anticipated Films coming out in 2019

1) Avengers: Endgame.
2) Star Wars: Episode 9.
3) Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (Tarantino).
4) Joker.
5) X-Men: Dark Phoenix. ****
6) Toy Story 4. 
7) Spider-Man: Far From Home.
8) Captain Marvel.
9)  The New Mutants.  ****
10) Glass.

There are 4 other Disney films coming out that Don't really interest me so much:

The Lion King,
Frozen 2.

****Will hopefully come out next year but the Disney/Fox deal could end them. They were on my Most Anticipated Films list last year lol.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Best Films Of 2018

1)  The Shape Of Water.
2)  Avengers: Infinity War.
3)  Ready Player One.
4)  Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald.
5)  Aquaman.
6)  Black Panther.
7)  Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
8)  Deadpool 2.
9)  Ant-Man and the Wasp.
10)  Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Sunday 2 September 2018

MCU Villains

1) Thanos - In the background of the all the MCU to Date and the main character in Avengers: Infinity War.

2) Loki - Thor's Brother the God of Mischief was the main villain of the first Avengers Movie. Has become unclear if he is a villain anymore sometimes helps the good guys when it is convenient and helps him in some way.

3) Kilgrave (The Purple Man)  - Played by David Tennant in Netflix series Jessica Jones.

4) Vulture - Played by the awesome Michael Keaton in 

5) Kingpin - Appears in Netflix Daredevil series.

6) Ego - Played by Kurt Russell in Guardians 2

7) The Winter Soldier - Again some will say not a villain but if you just watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier he is a the brainwashed villain of that movie.

8) Baron Zemo - does not fight any of the Avengers but sets them against each other, I am hoping this character comes back in future movies. Appears in Captain America: Civil War

9) Eric Killmonger - I know a lot of people will have him much higher on their lists. Appears in Black Panther.

10) Kaecillius - Appears in Doctor Strange.

I know people will disagree with my list that is fine just a bit of fun. Hela and Ultron nearly made my list ;) 

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Well Okay Top 50 this time: Best Doctor Who episodes.

This list took me all night, some people would call that a waste of time. I want to say something close to Ducks taken Off to them ;) lol.

Now I will say at the start that I have a vague memory of watching Sylvester McCoy's Doctor when I was little with my Dad, I remember being scared lol. not much else.

I haven't seen every episode so if I have missed any of your favourites I might not have seen it, but like all these lists they are just my opinion.

I wanted to have at least one story from every Doctor so far on my list, it was harder for a couple I would have probably rather of had more David Tennant or Matt Smith ones on there.

I really became interested in Doctor Who with the relaunch in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.

But full disclosure here my favourite Doctor is David Tennant, my favourite companion is Billie Piper. Probably my second favourite Doctor is Tom Baker, third would probably be Matt Smith and I have a soft spot for Sylvester McCoy, Oh and Christopher Eccleston ;) 

So on with the list :)

1) Blink - (2007/Tennant) A story about stone statues that can only move when no one is watching them.

2) Caves of Androzani - (1984/Davison) Peter Davison's final story. The Doctor is dying from the start of the story, the rest of the story is about making his final hours count. A thrilling and fascinating story with a complex plot.

3) The Genesis of the Daleks - (1975/Tom Baker) The Daleks’ origins as space Nazis are fully displayed here, and the ethical debates in this story are absolutely mind-boggling. Their creator, Davros, is a master manipulator who gives a human face to the Daleks, probably the best Davros episode.

4) The tomb of the cybermen - (1967/Troughton) Classic cybermen story, introduces the cyber controller and cybermats.

5) Vincent and the Doctor - (2010/Smith) Of all the “meeting famous people” stories, this is the most heart-breaking. An astonishing look at art and madness and what being able to see things that nobody else can see might do to someone.

6) Pyramids of Mars - (1975/Tom Baker) Justly revered, this story about mummies and pyramids is a great example of Tom Baker’s Doctor coming up with three or four plans to defeat an ultimate menace... all of which fail. Sutekh is a fantastic villain.

7) The day of the Doctor - (2013/Tennant/Smith/Hurt)  Matt Smith’s Doctor meets David Tennant’s, along with a previously unknown version played by John Hurt. The Doctor has to come to terms with his past that he wanted to forget.

8) The empty child/The Doctor dances - (2005/Eccleston) Are you my Mommy? creepy episode and we are introduced to Captain Jack Harkness in this story.

9) The girl in the fireplace - (2006/Tennant) probably the best “unstuck in time” story, where the Doctor meets Reinette at various points in her life, and winds up shaping her life story only to lose her after they share an intense intimacy.

10) Listen - (2014/Capaldi) The Doctor becomes obsessed with proving a weird theory, which leads to a really strange exploration of the nature of fear, and why we fear what we cannot see.

11) The Impossible planet/Satan's pit - (2006/Tennant) A great foray into horror, in which Satan claims the humans on a planet orbiting a black hole, but the Doctor outwits the Devil.

12) Silence in the library/Forest of the dead - (2008/Tennant) A planet-sized library is haunted by killer shadows, and Donna gets trapped in virtual reality. The skeletons in spacesuits, repeating their last words, are creepy as fuck!

13) Bad Wolf/Parting of ways - (2005/Eccleston) The Daleks are pretty intense, and the Doctor’s final choice between ruthlessness and “cowardice” is astonishing.

14) The ark in space - (1975/Tom Baker) Years before Ridley Scott’s alien, a wasp creature laid its eggs inside cryo-preserved humans. The Doctor is at his wits’ end coming up with plan after plan to try and defeat the Wirrn.

15) Dalek - (2005/Eccleston) A single Dalek brings more danger, and more emotional intensity, than a whole fleet. The Doctor’s arch-enemies have never been more iconic. Or tragic.

16) Inferno - (1970/Pertwee) The Doctor visits a mirror universe ruled by fascists, and realizes our world is doomed to destruction. Despite dodgy “Primord” monsters, it’s an intense horrifying ride.

17) Turn left - (2008/Tennant) A fantastic alternate-universe story where one little change wrecks everything, and we see just how bleak things could really get.

18) Human nature/The family of blood - (2007/Tennant) The Doctor chooses to become human, but he doesn’t expect to find romance. Nor does he expect some bloodthirsty aliens to track him down and wreak havoc, on the eve of World War I.

19) Army of ghosts/Doomsday - (2006/Tennant) Mostly memorable for the Dalek/Cybermen smackdown. Features Torchwood London heavily. This episode always makes me cry.

20) Tooth and claw - (2006/Tennant) Kung-fu monks and a werewolf menace Queen Victoria, but she’s got a secret weapon she doesn’t even know about. Kind of glorious in its madness.

21) Time heist - (2014/Smith) It’s a heist story in which the thing being stolen is redemption, rather than some object of value. And everyone involved is trying to regain a lost piece of their identity.

22) The lodger - (2010/Smith) Feat. James Corden. When the Doctor has to deal with ordinary everyday life, it’s often fascinating—but it’s seldom as hilarious as in this story. Best bit: the Doctor’s ominous speech about not allowing soccer destruction.

23) The Robots of death - (1976/Tom Baker) This is such a brilliant story, in which the alien robot-dependent society is beautifully depicted and thought-out. Mostly structured as a murder mystery, but it opens up a ton of questions about identity and subaltern relationships, with loads of witty dialogue.

24) The curse of Fenric - (1989/McCoy) The “dark Doctor” story to end all “dark Doctor” stories—facing an ancient evil from the Dawn of Time, the Doctor is willing to manipulate everyone, including his companion Ace. So much cleverness and creepy darkness, you can forgive the dodgy vampire effects.

25) Spearhead from space - (1970/Pertwee) Jon Pertwee’s first story has a few great moments, notably when the shop window dummies come to life and kill people. Pertwee is trying to do a more comedic performance as the Doctor, and there are also a lot of random subplots, like the poacher who’s hiding a deadly meteorite.

26) The Deadly Assassin - (1976/Tom Baker) The Master returns and the Doctor’s people are redefined forever. The show’s penchant for gothic horror and twisty intrigue is at its absolute best here, and Tom Baker seems determined to prove he doesn’t need a companion, by giving enough of a performance for three time-travelers.

27) The waters of Mars - (2009/Tennant) The real horror here isn’t the water zombies killing everyone on an isolated base—it’s what happens when the Doctor decides to throw out the rulebook and do what he wants.

28) Father's day - (2005/Eccleston) A great cautionary tale about time travel, in which Rose tries to fix her greatest tragedy, only to break everything else.

29) Utopia/The sound of drums/Last of the time lords. - (2007/Tennant) This three-part story brings back the Master in amazing style, putting the Doctor through the wringer as the Master enslaves the entire human race. Your view of this one depends on how much the somewhat miraculous ending bothers you.

30) The power of the Daleks - (1966/Troughton)  Based purely on reconstructions and clips, this is a marvelous story in which the endangered Daleks are at their most cunning — but they face a brand new Doctor, who’s at his most unpredictable.

31) Amy's choice - (2010/Smith) Amy has to choose between two different worlds, at least one of which is a dream—but more than that, she has to decide what she values. The Dream Lord is a scary mirror version of the Doctor.

32) The impossible astronaut/Day of the moon. - (2011/Smith) The Doctor’s apparent death kicks off a wild adventure, including Richard Nixon and the horrifying Silence. Steven Moffat’s writing is seldom more inventive and unnerving than it is here, even if the over-arching plot is a bit half-baked.

33) Earthshock - (1982/Davison) One of those stories where the Doctor is trying to outwit an alien menace, and keeps coming up with things on the fly in the face of worsening odds. It all leads to the first death of a companion since the 1960s, and by far the most shocking.

34) Talons of Weng Chiang - (1977/Tom Baker) On the one hand, it’s a lovely Victorian confection where the Doctor and Leela interact with hilarious 19th-century people and outsmart the time-traveling Magnus Greel. On the other, it’s full of Asian stereotypes and dodgy rats, plus the real villain barely turns up until the final two episodes.

35) The girl who waited - (2011/Smith) One of the best examples of a time-paradox story that really works, as Amy ages decades in a short time and has to deal with being apparently abandoned by the Doctor and Rory—and then there’s another, younger Amy.

36) Remembrance of the Daleks - (1988/McCoy) All of a sudden, the Doctor is dark and mysterious again, and he has some scheme of his own in the midst of a Dalek civil war. As long as you don’t think too much about the plot, the metaphors about fascism and racism are enough to make this a fascinating watch.

37) Into the Dalek (2014/Smith) The Doctor and his friends get shrunk and go inside a Dalek that has apparently turned good, but needs some repairs. The Doctor’s hatred of Daleks, and his desperate longing to believe a Dalek actually could turn good, add a nice edge to the exploration of what makes a Dalek a Dalek.

38) The Idiot's lantern (2006/Tennant)  A 1950s-set story in which television is erasing people’s faces, and there turns out to be an evil entity named The Wire, plotting to devour millions of people’s souls.

39) Closing time (2011/Tennant) Feat. James Corden a sequel to “The Lodger” in which the Doctor helps look after a baby, and Cybermen turn out to be lurking in a department store. Let down rather badly by the pat ending, but overall a fun outing.

40) The War games (1969/Troughton) The first meeting with the Doctor’s own race, the Time Lords. This story is ten episodes long but it is worth it, starts off abit slow but it gets better as it goes on.

41)  Planet of the spiders (1974/Pertwee) There’s a beautiful parable about the Doctor overcoming his own selfishness and facing his fear, at the end of his life.

42) Rose (2005/Eccleston) Re lanched the franchaise. The best introduction to the Doctor, this story is all about the mystery of the time traveler who brings death in his wake. There’s a reason why this story was such a captivating launch to the new series.

43) In the forest at night (2014/Capaldi) They come out of museum to find everywhere covered with trees and vegetation.

44) The Angels take Manhatten (2012/Smith) Bits of this Weeping Angels story are heartbreaking, especially the Elderly Rory who’s grown old without Amy. And the River Song/Doctor relationship is never better than it is here.

45) Partners in crime (2008/Tennant) The Adipose are so cute I have a Funko of one that glows in the dark :) Most of the plot mechanics in this story involve the Doctor being reunited with Donna, after a series of “oops you just missed him/her” pantomime mishaps. But the actual plot, involving fat pills that work too well, is both creepy and a bit flimsy.

46) The Doctor, the widow and the wardrobe (2011/Smith) I like this story it might be my favourite Christmas special.

47) An unearthly child (1963/Hartnel) The first Doctor is the one I have seen the least of but I wanted to have one on here. If you could split off the masterful first episode, this would rank way higher. As it is, three episodes of Shakespearean cave-people drag it way down.

48) Love and monsters (2006/Tennant) Feat. Peter Kay.A group of ordinary people bond over their obsession with the Doctor, until they get manipulated by the evil Absorbaloff. Has a great song on it if you like ELO :D  

49) Trial of a time lord (1986/Colin Baker) I wanted to have one story from each Doctor on the list, this is a fourteen part story lol. but it is out of the ones I have seen of Colin Baker's the least sucky lol ;) 

50) The TV Movie (1996/Mcgann) Paul McGann’s sole outing on television is good fun, when you watch it as just a piece of Who and not as the attempt to start a new series. McGann is fantastic — but Eric Roberts as the Master drags the whole thing way down. I feel they tried to make this to Americanised and it didn't really work.

Sunday 17 December 2017

Most Anticipated Films coming out in 2018.

1) Avengers: Infinity War.
2) Black Panther.
3) Deadpool 2.
4) Antman and the Wasp.
5) Ralph Braks the internet.
6) Ready Player One
7) The New Mutants.
8) The Incredibles 2.
9) Solo: A Star Wars Story. (Also worried these bottom 2 could be a mess.)
10) X-MEN: Dark Phoenix. 

Films of 2017

1) Spiderman: Homecoming.
2) Logan.
3) Thor: Ragnarok.
4) Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol.2.
5) Okja.
6) Fences.
7) Hidden Figures.
8) Wonder Woman.
9) The Circle.
10) Alien: Covenant.

Most Disappointing films of 2017:

Star Wars: The Last Jedi,
Justice League,
War for the planet of the Apes,

Saturday 5 August 2017

Guests at London Film And Comic Con

1) Kristian Nairn
2) Benedict Cumberbatch
3) Natalie Dormer
4) Alan Tudyk
5) Finn Jones
6) Kevin Smith
7) Sylvester McCoy
8) Matt Lucas
9) Jessica Henwick
10) Richard Dean Anderson

And although I didn't meet him I want to give a mention to Pilou Asbaek he was really funny in the Evening With Game Of Thrones Talk. Probably my biggest regret from the con not getting to meet him either for a photo or at his autograph table. But I had to draw the line somewhere lol. I could have met all the guests lol.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Guests at London Film And Comic Con 2017

1) Adam West (Batman)

2) Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future/Who Framed Roger Rabbit/Star Trek III)

3) Ron Perlman (Hellboy 1 & 2/Sons Of Anarchy/Alien Resurrection)

4) Will Wheaton (Star Trek: TNG/Stand By Me/Toy Soldiers)

5) Alan Tudyk (Rogue One/Firefly/Wreck It Ralph/Frozen/A Knight's Tale)

6) Ian McDiarmid (Star Wars)

7) Richard Dean Anderson (Stargate SG1/MacGyver)

8) Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica/Lucifer)

9) Kristian Nairn (Hodor!!! Game Of Thrones)

10) Robert Llewellyn (Red Dwarf) 

Sunday 5 February 2017

Comic Book Writers

1) Stan Lee 
2) Alan Moore
3) Frank Miller
4) Brian K Vaughan
5) Neil Gaiman
6) Geoff Johns
7) Grant Morrison
8) Charles Soule
9) Chris Claremont
10) Brian Michael Bendis 

Novel writers

1) JRR Tolkien
2) George RR Martin
3) Stephen King
4) Michael Crichton
5) Arthur Conan Doyle
6) Roald Dahl
7) Terry Pratchett
8) CS Lewis
9) JK Rowling
10) Neil Gaiman 

Red Dwarf Episodes

1) Marooned
2) Back to reality
3) Backwards
4) Gunmen of the apocalypse
5) Legion
6) White hole
7) Queeg
8) Polymorph
9) Better than life
10) Future echoes 

My picks for the next Doctor (on Doctor Who)

1) Simon Pegg
2) Rowan Atkinson
3) Chris Barrie
4) David Mitchell
5) Olivia Coleman
6) Martin Freeman
7) Tilda Swinton
8) Andrew Scott
9) Daniel Radcliffe
10) Hayley Atwell

These are just my picks will probably end up with someone completely different lol.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Possible movies in Marvel Phase 4

Phase 3 Movies still to come: 
Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 2. 5th May
Spider-Man: Homecoming. 7th July
Thor: Ragnarok 3rd Nov
Black Panther 16th Feb 2018
The Avengers: Infinity War. 4th May 2018
Ant-Man and the Wasp. 6th July 2018
Captain Marvel. 8th March 2019
Untitled Avengers Infinity War Sequel. 3rd May 2019.

So on with the Top Ten:

1) Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 3
2) Doctor Strange 2
3) Spider-Man sequel to Homecoming
4) Black Panther 2
5) Captain Marvel 2
6) Avengers 5
7) Ant-Man/Wasp 3
8) Nova
9) Bucky/Captain America. 
10) Fantastic Four (Please, Fantastic Four for Phase Four you know it makes sense)

I didn't include a Black Widow solo movie because I think the time for that has come and gone. I didn't include a Hulk solo movie because I think it is to complicated with the rights. Moon Night, Ghost Rider and Blade are all characters I see on Netflix. Other possible films could be Namor, Adam Warlock,  Spiderwoman, The Sinister Six, Spider-man 3, Venom. Also sequels for Captain America, Iron Man and Thor could be possible if they are still alive in phase 4. They could do Thor as Jane Foster Thor :) 

Game of Thrones characters that could die in Season 7

1) Littlefinger
2) Ellaria Sand
3) Other Sand snakes
4) Randyll Tarly
5) Olena Tyrell
6) Beric Dondarrion
7) Thoros of Myr
8) Benjen Stark
9) Dolorous Ed (The Night King has to get past the wall and poor Ed is somehow supposed to stop him?)
10) Cersei Lannister (could be in the last episode of season 7, along with the mountain maybe, but is a lot less likely than the rest)

Sunday 15 January 2017

Brad Pitt Films

1) Se7en
2) Fight Club
3) 12 Monkeys
4) Inglorious Basterds
5) Ocean's Eleven
6) Sleepers
7) True Romance
8) Kalifornia
9) World War Z
10) Legends of the fall

Morgan Freeman Films

1) The Shawshank Redemption 
2) Seven
3) Unforgiven
4) The Dark Knight
5) Bruce Almighty
6) Robin Hood Prince of thieves
7) Million Dollar Baby
8) Red
9) Along came a spider
10) Wanted

Kevin Spacey Films

1) The usual suspects
2) American Beauty
3) L.A. confidential
4) Seven
5) K-PAX
6) Pay it forward
7) The Negotiator
8) Midnight in the garden of good and evil
9) The life of David Gale
10) Edison 

John Cusack Films

1) Grosse Pointe Blank
2) High Fidelity
3) Serendipity 
4) Con Air
5) Identity
6) Say Anything
7) Better off dead
8) Pushing tin
9) Hot tub time machine
10) Midnight in the garden of good and evil

John Travolta Films

1) Pulp Fiction
2) Face/Off
3) Broken Arrow
4) Grease
5) Look whose talking
6) Get shorty
7) The General's daughter
8) Swordfish
9) Basic
10) Mad City

Samuel L. Jackson Films

1) Pulp Fiction
2) A time to kill
3) Die Hard with a vengeance 
4) The Negotiator
5) Django Unchained
6) Jackie Brown
7) The Long Kiss Goodnight
8) Rules of engagement
9) Jurassic Park
10) Avengers: Assemble 

Nicolas Cage Films

1) The Rock
2) Face/Off
3) Con Air
4) Leaving Las Vegas
5) National Treasure
6) Gone in 60 seconds
7) City of Angels
8) The Family man
9) Raising Arizona
10) Ghost Rider

Bruce Willis Films

1) Die Hard
2) Die Hard with a vengeance
3) The Fifth Element
4) The Sixth Sense
5) Pulp Fiction
6) 12 Monkeys
7) Sin City
8) The last boy scout
9) The Jackal
10) Armageddon 

Denzel Washington Movies

1) Training Day
2) Philadelphia
3) Inside Man
4) The Hurricane
5) John Q
6) Crimson Tide
7) The Bone Collector
8) Deja Vu
9) Fallen
10) Courage Under Fire

Movies from 2000-2010

1) The Dark Knight
2) The Lord of the rings: Return of the king
3) The Lord of the rings: The Fellowship of the ring
4) The Lord of the rings: The Two Towers
5) Avatar
6) Gladiator
7) Pirates of the caribbean: The curse of the black pearl
8) Iron man
9) Fight club
10) X-Men

Best Film from every year (in my opinion)

OK not a Top Ten, But something a bit different.
I have made a list of my favourite film from each year (for reasons ;) )

2017 Star Wars Episode 8 or Guardians of the galaxy 2.
2016 Captain America: Civil War.
2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
2014 Guardians of the galaxy.
2013 Oblivion.
2012 Avengers.
2011 Thor.
2010 Shutter Island.
2009 Avatar.
2008 The dark knight.
2007 Zodiac.
2006 Inside man.
2005 Sin City.
2004 Spider-Man 2.
2003 Lord of the rings: Return of the king.
2002 Lord of the rings: The two towers.
2001 Lord of the rings: The fellowship of the ring.
2000 Almost famous.
1999 The Matrix.
1998 Blade.
1997 Con Air.
1996 The Rock.
1995 Seven & The Usual Suspects.
1994 Pulp Fiction.
1993 Jurassic Park.
1992 Reservoir Dogs.
1991 Terminator 2.
1990 Goodfellas.
1989 Batman.
1988 Die Hard.
1987 Lethal Weapon.
1986 Aliens.
1985 Back to the future & The Goonies.
1984 Ghostbusters & Gremlins.
1983 Return of the Jedi.
1982 E.T the extra terrestrial.
1981 Indiana jones: Raiders of the lost ark.
1980 Empire strikes back.
1979 Alien.
1978 The deer hunter.
1977 Star Wars.
1976 Rocky.
1975 JAWS.
1974 Blazing saddles.
1973 Westworld.
1972 The Godfather.
1971 Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.
1970 Aristocats.
The last few were a struggle lol.

Friday 13 January 2017

70's Movies

1) Star Wars
2) Alien
4) Rocky
5) Close encounters of the third kind
6) Mad Max
7) Taxi Driver
8) The Deer Hunter
9) Grease
10) American Graffiti 

Elvis songs

* I think I should mention before I do this list I am not a huge fan of the King.

1) Suspicious Minds
2) Jailhouse rock
3) All shook up
4) Hound dog
5) Burning love
6) In the ghetto
7) Return to sender
8) Can't help falling in love
9) That's alright
10) Love me tender

Just missed the cut

Heartbreak hotel,
The wonder of you,
Blue suede shoes,
Crying in the chapel,
Hard headed woman,
A little less conversation,
Wooden heart,
Don't be cruel,
It's now or never,
(Let me be) Your Teddy Bear.

Queen Songs

1) Bohemian Rhapsody
2) Don't stop me now
3) Somebody to love
4) Crazy little thing called love
5) Another one bites the dust
6) I want to brerakfree
7) We will rock you
8) Radio Ga Ga
9) A kind of magic
10) We are the champions

These didn't make my list :(
Killer Queen,
Under Pressure,
Fat Bottomed girls,
Bicycle race,
Who wants to live forever,
You're my best friend,
Play the game,
Hammer to fall,
One vision.

Rolling Stones songs

1) Sympathy for the Devil
2) Honky Tonk Woman
3) Jumpin' Jack flash
4) (I can't get no) Satisfaction
5) Let's spend the night together
6) You can't always get what you want
7) Get off of my cloud
8) Start me up
9) Paint it black
10) Brown sugar

Madonna Songs

1) Like a prayer
2) Vogue
3) Papa don't preach
4) Express yourself
5) Crazy for you
6) Into the groove
7) Material girl
8) La Isla Bonita
9) Don't tell me
10) Beautiful Stranger

These just missed out, some great songs here too :)
Ray of light,
This used to be my playground,
True Blue,
Justify my love,
Like a virgin,
Lucky star.

Beatles Songs

1) Hey Jude
2) Let it be
3) Can't buy me love
4) Eleanor Rigby
5) Lady Madonna
6) Penny Lane
7) A hard days night
8) Ticket to ride
9) Get back
10) All you need is love

Others that just missed my cut:
We can work it out,
Eight Days a week, 
Paperback writer,
Sgt Peppers lonely hearts club band,
Yellow Submarine,
Here comes the sun,
Come together,
A day in the life,
Yesterday (I'm not really a fan of this song but felt it should be mentioned)

Pixar Animated movies

1) Toy Story
2) Finding Nemo
3) The Incredibles
4) Toy Story 3
5) Wall-E
6) Toy story 2
7) Ratatouille
8) Monsters Inc
9) UP
10) A bug's life

Disney Animated Movies

1) Aladdin
2) The Lion King
3) The Jungle Book
4) The Little Mermaid
5) Lady and the Tramp
6) Frozen
7) Robin Hood
8) 101 dalmations
9) The rescuers: Down Under
10) The Aristocats 

List Criteria: Only Disney cartoons - No computer animation / CGI films.

Walt Disney Studios has produced 51 theatrically-released animated movies to date (not including films released by Disney but produced by Pixar.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Films

1) Terminator 2 Judgment Day
2) The Terminator
3) Predator
4) Total recall
5) True Lies
6) Conan the barbarian
7) Commado
8) Kindergarten cop
9) End of days
10) Twins

Tim Burton Films

1) Batman
2) Beetlejuice
3) Edward Scissorhands
4) Batman Returns
5) Ed Wood
6) Sleepy Hollow
7) Mars Attacks!
8) Corpse bride
9) Big eyes
10) Sweeney Todd

90's Movies

1) Jurassic Park
2) The Matrix
3) Pulp Fiction
4) A few good men
5) Braveheart
6) The Rock
7) Con Air
8) Seven
9) Shawshank Redemption
10) Fight Club

Again some that just didn't make my cut:
Forrest Gump,
LA Confidential,
The sixth sense,
As good as it gets,
Twelve Monkeys,
Saving Private Ryan,
The Green Mile,
Robin Hood: Prince of thieves.

No way I missed Reservoir Dogs would actually have to take Fight Club off the Top Ten for that :( 

80's Movies

1) Star Wars: The Empire strikes back
2) Back to the future
3) Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark
4) The Goonies
5) Big
6) Die Hard
7) Ghostbusters
8) Aliens
9) Batman
10) E.T. The extra terrestrial

Ones that just didn't make my cut which wasn't easy:
The Terminator,
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
The breakfast club
Rain Man
Stand by me
Lethal Weapon
Star Trek 2 The Wraith of Khan

Jerry Bruckheimer produced movies

1) Pirates of the caribbean: The Curse of the black pearl
2) The Rock
3) Con Air
4) Crimson Tide
5) Enemy of the state
6) Coyote Ugly
7) Armageddon
8) Black Hawk Down
9) Bad Boys 
10) Gone in 60 seconds

Tom Cruise Films

1) A few good men
2) Edge of Tomorrow (Live die repeat)
3) Jerry Maguire
4) Top Gun
5) Rain man
6) Minority report
7) Oblivion
8) Mission Impossible films
9) The Last Samurai
10) Interview with a vampire

Tom Hanks Films

1) Big
2) The Green Mile
3) Saving Private Ryan
4) Forrest Gump
5) Toy Story films
6) Philadelphia
7) Apollo 13
8) Turner and Houch
9) Dragnet
10) The Burbs

Thursday 12 January 2017

David Bowie Songs

1) Space Oddity
2) Ziggy Stardust
3) Starman
4) Changes
5) The man who sold the world
6) The Jean Genie
7) Rebel Rebel
8) Life on Mars
9) Heroes
10) Ashes to Ashes

A Song Of Ice And Fire (Game of Thrones, TV series) Charaacters

1) Arya Stark (No One)
2) John Snow (The Bastard of Winterfell, or not ;))
3) Daenerys Targaryen (The Mother of Dragons)
4) Tyrion Lannister (The Imp)
5) Sandor Clegane (The Hound)
6) Peter Baelish (Littlefinger)
7) Brienne of Tarth (Brienne the beauty)
8) Theon Greyjoy (Reek)
9) Samwell Tarley (Ser Piggy)
10) Davos Seaworth (The Onion Knight)

Tolkien Characters

1) Gandalf
2) Aragorn/Strider
3) Bilbo Baggins
4) Gollom/Smeagol
5) Frodo Baggins
6) Samwise Gamgee
7) Legolas
8) Gimli
9) Galadriel
10) Boromir 

Star Trek: Original Series Episodes

1) The trouble with tribbles
2) The city on the edge of forever
3) Space seed
4) The Tholian web
5) Amok time
6) The cage
7) The menagerie
8) The gamesters of Triskelion
9) Return to tomorrow
10) The immunity syndrome

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Marvel Cinematic Universe Films

1) Captain America: Civil War
2) Guardians Of The Galaxy
3) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
4) Avengers: Assemble 
5) Iron Man
6) Thor
7) Ant Man
8) Doctor Strange
9) Avengers: Age of Ultron
10) Thor: The Dark World

as there are only 14 I have rated the others:

11) Captain America: The First Avenger
12) Iron Man 3
13) The Incredible Hulk
14) Iron Man 2

TV Shows

1) Game Of Thrones
2) Star Trek: The Next Generation
3) X-Files
4) Doctor Who
5) Red Dwarf
6) 24
7) Breaking Bad
9) The Simpsons
10) Sherlock

Comic Book Villans

1) The Joker
2) Magneto
3) Doctor Doom
4) Loki
5) Green Goblin
6) Galactus
7) Lex Luther
8) Kingpin
9) Penguin
10) The Riddler


1) Batman
2) Spiderman
3) Wolverine
4) Hulk
5) Daredevil
6) Captain America
7) Doctor Strange
8) Thor
9) Iron Man 
10) The Thing from Fantastic Four