Sunday 15 January 2017

Best Film from every year (in my opinion)

OK not a Top Ten, But something a bit different.
I have made a list of my favourite film from each year (for reasons ;) )

2017 Star Wars Episode 8 or Guardians of the galaxy 2.
2016 Captain America: Civil War.
2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
2014 Guardians of the galaxy.
2013 Oblivion.
2012 Avengers.
2011 Thor.
2010 Shutter Island.
2009 Avatar.
2008 The dark knight.
2007 Zodiac.
2006 Inside man.
2005 Sin City.
2004 Spider-Man 2.
2003 Lord of the rings: Return of the king.
2002 Lord of the rings: The two towers.
2001 Lord of the rings: The fellowship of the ring.
2000 Almost famous.
1999 The Matrix.
1998 Blade.
1997 Con Air.
1996 The Rock.
1995 Seven & The Usual Suspects.
1994 Pulp Fiction.
1993 Jurassic Park.
1992 Reservoir Dogs.
1991 Terminator 2.
1990 Goodfellas.
1989 Batman.
1988 Die Hard.
1987 Lethal Weapon.
1986 Aliens.
1985 Back to the future & The Goonies.
1984 Ghostbusters & Gremlins.
1983 Return of the Jedi.
1982 E.T the extra terrestrial.
1981 Indiana jones: Raiders of the lost ark.
1980 Empire strikes back.
1979 Alien.
1978 The deer hunter.
1977 Star Wars.
1976 Rocky.
1975 JAWS.
1974 Blazing saddles.
1973 Westworld.
1972 The Godfather.
1971 Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory.
1970 Aristocats.
The last few were a struggle lol.

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