Thursday 19 January 2017

Possible movies in Marvel Phase 4

Phase 3 Movies still to come: 
Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 2. 5th May
Spider-Man: Homecoming. 7th July
Thor: Ragnarok 3rd Nov
Black Panther 16th Feb 2018
The Avengers: Infinity War. 4th May 2018
Ant-Man and the Wasp. 6th July 2018
Captain Marvel. 8th March 2019
Untitled Avengers Infinity War Sequel. 3rd May 2019.

So on with the Top Ten:

1) Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 3
2) Doctor Strange 2
3) Spider-Man sequel to Homecoming
4) Black Panther 2
5) Captain Marvel 2
6) Avengers 5
7) Ant-Man/Wasp 3
8) Nova
9) Bucky/Captain America. 
10) Fantastic Four (Please, Fantastic Four for Phase Four you know it makes sense)

I didn't include a Black Widow solo movie because I think the time for that has come and gone. I didn't include a Hulk solo movie because I think it is to complicated with the rights. Moon Night, Ghost Rider and Blade are all characters I see on Netflix. Other possible films could be Namor, Adam Warlock,  Spiderwoman, The Sinister Six, Spider-man 3, Venom. Also sequels for Captain America, Iron Man and Thor could be possible if they are still alive in phase 4. They could do Thor as Jane Foster Thor :) 

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